Read here from our "Annual Report" my reflections on ministry in the year 2011.
One person from our book production team described the last four years of her life to me this way.
“I was laid off from my job, spent eight months unemployed, then got a high-stress job that included racial adversity, paid a third less than my previous job and only lasted nine months. Then, after five more months of unemployment, I got a new job in yet another high-stress situation, which has culminated with a ‘new’ boss, who happened to be the person that laid me off four years ago.
“On top of that, for the last 9 months, I have been dealing with a medical problem that has strained my finances and left me to depend on others for many day-to-day tasks.”
She described the difference Ascending Leaders made during this highly difficult time. “If it was not for the growth, support, and wisdom I have received through the groups using AL materials and through reading the new books as I work on them, I would have handled these situations poorly; and my spirit would have been crushed. Christ Habits, Spirit’s Fruit and Charting Your Course have helped me to keep close to Christ through this difficult time and better draw on the Spirit to navigate these challenges more like Christ.”
POSSIBLY 2011, LIKE 2010, 2009 AND 2008 WAS A DIFFICULT YEAR FOR YOU AS WELL. This individual is just one of many who share that their groups and triads using AL workbooks have helped them grow in character and impact.
In spite of economic stresses, the positive developments for Ascending Leaders in 2011 are many:
- Helped More People and Churches: impacted over 1,000 people in 62 different churches. Provided More Workbooks:Completed the conversion of our written material into 10 workbooks, which were all the books of the Christ Habits collection.
- Received a Passing Grade: Completed for the first time an audit of our organization, which we passed with flying colors.
- Awarded a Seal of Integrity: Obtained membership into the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, a respected watchdog for financial integrity (in the same year that a number of other nonprofits were investigated for financial impropriety).
- Supported by Foundations: Obtained the most foundation grants in one year in our history (four grants representing a 55% improvement over 2010) which funded workbook development and a new outreach campaign.
- Increased Efficiency: Realigned our staff positions in order to save over $1,000 each month and function more leanly. Built a more efficient book production team, resulting in an over 30% savings in the cost of designing workbooks.
- Continued Faithful Support: Especially our faithful monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual supporters and those who increased their financial support kept us moving forward.
- Served Future Pastors: I taught a class for Fuller Seminary Texas on “Leadership and Character Development,” which greatly influences the lives of students. I also mentored one of those students for two years.
- Responded to the Challenges for Adult Ministry Personnel: Helped with the often repeated challenge of adult ministry personnel—people being too busy for spiritual growth and passionate service. We provided a free half-day workshop on this topic in three cities: Des Moines, IA; Houston, TX, and Austin, TX. We hired a “director of church relations” to help us focus on this issue. This included the e-book I wrote From Busy to Engaged: Helping Busy Adults Grow Spiritually and Serve Passionately. A free copy is available for download at
- Churches are hesitant about non-celebrity solutions. Insurance premiums keep rising.
- Individuals seem reluctant to begin supporting an organization with which they are unfamiliar.
- The ongoing financial pressures of the last four years have brought fatigue to our team.
In spite of this, we at Ascending Leaders are working faithfully and innovatively to serve peoples’ and churches’ needs for growth in Christ-like character and impact. We appreciate your support and will continue to faithfully serve!
To Him be the glory,
You can read more from our annual report at:
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