Monday, March 4, 2013

Walking the Journey of Grief--One Breath Prayer at a Time #20

Breath Prayer: RADIANT
Lois Hoogeveen
January 20, 2013

Good morning, my daughter. I am here to be you light, warm your heart, guide your steps and take care of you all day long. God was speaking to me. Not through a beautiful sunrise painted across the heavens like I experienced few weeks ago. This was different. This was a clear sky with a magnificent orange ball, the morning sun, emerging in the eastern sky. Although I wanted to fix my eyes on this beautiful star, the largest in the Solar System, I had to look away because the brightness was so intense.  The sun is powerful. It gives me energy. On a day when the sun is hidden by the clouds, I feel more tired, less motivated. Even if it is cold, even if the ground is covered with snow, even when it is windy I deal with all these elements better if the sun is shining. What would I do without the sun?

Looking at the sun makes me think about how I am affected by looking at the Son of God. Am I as drawn to gaze at the Son of God as I am at the brilliant morning sun? Does His Presence captivate me and cause me to stand in awe and just behold Him in all his majesty? Do I freely talk with others about the magnificent Son-rises I experience in day-to-day living?  Just as we take the sun for granted, I fear that we also become apathetic to the Son in our lives. I know that I deal with life much better when I am not only blessed with a sunny day and but also with a keen awareness of the Son permeating every moment of my day.

People know when I have spent time in the sun. They can see it in my face as the color of my skin changes. Sometimes they comment on it and I am a bit surprised that it is noticeable that I have been soaking in the rays. The Bible tells us of at least two incidences where being in the presence of the Lord affected one’s countenance. When Moses came down from the mountain after receiving the Ten Commandments from the Lord the people could see that he had absorbed a lot of Son-rays. But he didn’t even realize it himself. Moses had been with the Lord and his face was radiant! (Exodus 34:29) The Bible tells us that at the Transfiguration Jesus’ face shone like the sun. (Matthew 17:2)

As we might pray for the sun to shine again after having several cloudy, dreary days, do we ask God to make His face shine upon us and give us peace, to brighten up our world when we are living with the darkness of disappointment, sadness, loss? Do we seek His face for our energy and strength? Does God’s face shine upon us as we go about the routines and busyness of life on earth? Do we ask the Lord to open our eyes that we might see wonderful things in His Word and in His world? Is my face radiant because I am repeatedly looking upward at the Son? On a sunny day I still have to choose to open my blinds or go outdoors to reap the benefit of the sun. In the same way, I need to choose to let the Son into my life each day. Admittedly, I have times when I do not open the blinds of my house or my soul. And when I do, I am the one who misses the blessing.

When I think of Heaven, which I do far more frequently than I ever did before, I think of a place that is brilliantly aglow all the time. One day I will see Jesus face to face, and it is going to be more far more glorious than the brightest sun that adorns the morning sky. The Word tells us that His face will be like the sun shining in all its brilliance! (Revelation 1:16) So how can I NOT think about the Son when I look at the sun? I love the early morning reminder from God that He is here, that I am not alone and that He is going to follow me all day long, giving me grace and peace for the day. (Numbers 6:24-26) The Son brings restoration. (Psalm 80:3) He is gracious to the lonely and afflicted. (Psalm 25:15, 16)  Fixing my eyes on the Son gives me power that helps combat growing weary and losing heart. (Hebrews 12: 3) The Son is the radiance of God’s glory, sustaining us by His powerful Word. (Hebrews 1:3) He never takes His eyes off the righteous. (Job 36:7)

Neither the sun that graces our world nor the Son who sits at the right hand of our Father in Heaven should be ignored. However, although we must protect ourselves from the sun we never need to find protection from the Son. In fact, we can never get too many Son-rays. Do not turn away from the Son. Let His face shine on you to give you grace and peace.

Next time you look at the sun ask yourself, “Does my face reflect the radiance of the Son?”

RADIANT  Those who look to him are radiant. Psalm 34:5
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

* One of our authors, Lois Hoogeveen, lost her husband in early March to a battle with cancer, which began just 3 months earlier. Jim and Lois had pastored 5 churches, 2 they planted. At the time they were hit with this disease they were transitioning into specialized transitional ministry for the next season of their full time ministry. They were and are good friends of Ascending Leaders. Through the journey with cancer, Jim and Lois wrote and shared their "breath prayers," each day. "Breath Praying" is something they had first learned seven years ago from the Ascending Leaders Christ Habits book Prayer: Listening to God's Voice.

Since Jim's passing, Lois has been continuing to write excellent reflections on this journey along with breath prayers. She has consented to allow us to share some with you. Lois is also the core author of two of our newest workbooks: Since Jim's passing, Lois has been continuing to write excellent reflections on this journey along with breath prayers. She has consented to allow us to share some with you. Lois is also the core author of two of our newest workbooks:  
Your Pathways: Strong Connection with God and Thriving: Stewarding Unexpected Change.

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